Short Attention Span Cinema: David Lynch presents INTERVIEW PROJECT
Friday, November 27, 2009 - Thursday, February 18, 2010
INTERVIEW PROJECT, a series of impromptu video portraits presented by David Lynch, are now screening before our regular features through February 18. Conceived for davidlynch.com, the episodes of INTERVIEW PROJECT capture subjects randomly encountered on a 20,000 mile, 70-day road trip by a team of filmmakers traveling across the US from the West Coast to East, and back again. We’ll be screening six episodes — “Anthony,” “Lynn,” “Clinton,” “Jenny Brown,” “Jim Carter,” and “Logan” — over the coming months.
INTERVIEW PROJECT was directed by Austin Lynch & Jason S., produced by Sabrina Sutherland, edited by Austin Lynch & Jason S., with interviews conducted by Angie Schmidt & Julie Pepin, and music by Dean Hurley & Stoll Vaughan. More episodes and information are available at davidlynch.com.