APAPORIS takes us on a journey through the untrodden, war-locked Northwest Amazon, where we discover the secret knowledge of of Cabiyari and Cubeo indigenous cultures and their insight into nature, life and medicinal and psychotropic plants. With breathtaking images, millenary secrets are revealed such as the preparation of Yagé (“The vine of the Gods”), pulverized coca, and curare, alongside a magical practice to revive dead animals. These communities, besieged by the looming death of their sacred languages and cultures, must now come together to preserve their very survival.
Filmmakers in person Sat 7/31 at 7:50, Sun 8/1 at 9:50, Tue 8/3 at 7:50, & Wed 8/4 at 9:50!
- Country Colombia
- Language In English and Spanish with English subtitles
- Rating NR
- Year 2010
- Running Time 72 minutes
- Website http://insearchofoneriver.com/
- Director Antonio Dorado
IFC Center does not generally provide advisories about subject matter or potentially triggering content in films, as sensitivities vary from person to person. In addition to the synopses, trailers and other links on our website, further information about content and age-appropriateness for specific films can be found on Common Sense Media, IMDb and DoesTheDogDie.com as well as through general internet searches.