The Rock
Friday, May 21 - Saturday, May 22, 2010
“THE ROCK is a raucous, in- your-face, commando-style action thriller that makes provocative use of Alcatraz as a lunatic’s lair and San Francisco as a sitting duck. Sean Connery, Nicolas Cage and Ed Harris star in this heavy-metal cinematic event — but Cage steals the show, adding a touch of wimpiness to the high-decibel bravado. It’s a blast of a movie and maybe the loudest ever made. There are plenty of gaps in the story of superpatriot military types, led by Marine Brigadier General Francis X. Hummel (Harris), who take over Alcatraz and threaten to launch poison gas missiles into San Francisco unless their demands are met. The disgruntled, heavily armed yahoos want restitution and public recognition for their brave fellows slain in war (Vietnam, Desert Storm and other conflicts) but left to rot. Harris gives a terse, strident performance as a natty, accomplished warrior cocked with enough twisted patriotic zeal to make him scary. The VX poison gas kills in seven seconds, following violent disruption of respiratory functions and a hideous peeling off of skin. Harris and his commando outlaws have 15 missiles filled with the stuff — enough to wipe out San Francisco, the Peninsula and maybe Fremont. Even with major plot inconsistencies, director Michael Bay keeps a heart-pounding rhythm throughout. The close- up, gritty camera work and quick cuts maintain the high energy.The action is smartly interwoven with punchy lines of dialogue, and superbly choreographed stunts are performed frequently. Among them is a dizzying car chase with Cage driving a commandeered yellow Ferrari, pursuing Connery in a Humvee. The extraordinary scene in which people, vehicles, parking meters and storefronts are dispatched amid thunderous clamor concludes with the fiery upending of a Hyde Street cable car.” – San Francisco Chronicle
- Country USA
- Rating R
- Year 1996
- Running Time 136 min. minutes
- Director Michael Bay
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