William Friedkin: Fate and Faith

Friday, October 20 - Saturday, November 4, 2023

William Friedkin (1935 – 2023) believed that ultimately, all stories are about mysteries of fate, or mysteries of faith. The films in this handpicked series explore these mysteries in surprising and heart-pounding ways. Featuring favorites like SORCERER and THE FRENCH CONNECTION, a 50th anniversary 4K restoration of THE EXORCIST, and 35mm screenings of RAMPAGE, JADE, THE GUARDIAN, and THE EXORCIST’s Director’s Cut, the program celebrates one of Hollywood’s most daring filmmakers.

See more and save! Get a Holy Trinity Pack ($30 for IFC Center members and $45 for non-members). Ticket packs are good for any shows in the retrospective.

Series Films

Current and Upcoming Films

Past Films